Event Errors
Event Horizon provides a utility to communicate errors with AWS Services. For some requests like HTTP these wil be neatly converted into something that can be parsed by the client - for others this impacts on how requests are processed. For specific details you can reference the handler documentation.
level ('error' | 'info' | 'warning')
The level on which this error should be logged.
errorHandling ('graceful' | 'throw')
Defines if errors should exit the Lambda gracefully, or throw an error to impact AWS Service behaviour.
expose (boolean)
Toggles if details about the error allowed to be communicated externally. By default we only allow this for Client Errors.
headers (HTTPHeaders)
Define headers
that are added to the response.
statusCode (number)
Sets the HTTP status code. By default it will take the correct status code from the legible method.
attributes (Record<string, unknown>)
Sets attributes that are attached to the error object.
cause (uknown)
The cause of the error, this allows linking.
ctor (Function)
The ctor
allows filtering in the attached stack trace.
name (name)
The name of the error, will take the ctor
name by default.
Client Errors
EventError.validation (statusCode: 400)
errors: Pet.errors,
location: 'body',
EventError.badRequest (statusCode: 400)
EventError.badRequest('invalid request')
EventError.unauthorized (statusCode: 401)
EventError.unauthorized('invalid password')
EventError.paymentRequired (statusCode: 402)
EventError.paymentRequired('request quota reached')
EventError.forbidden (statusCode: 403)
EventError.forbidden('not allowed to see this')
EventError.notFound (statusCode: 404)
EventError.notFound('the resource was not found')
EventError.methodNotAllowed (statusCode: 405)
EventError.methodNotAllowed({ message: 'this method is not allowed', allow: 'get' })
EventError.notAcceptable (statusCode: 406)
EventError.proxyAuthRequired (statusCode: 407)
EventError.proxyAuthRequired('authentication not found')
EventError.requestTimeout (statusCode: 408)
EventError.requestTimeout('request timed out')
EventError.conflict (statusCode: 409)
EventError.conflict('there was a conflict in the resource')
EventError.gone (statusCode: 410)
EventError.gone('requested resource is gone')
EventError.lengthRequired (statusCode: 411)
EventError.lengthRequired('length was required')
EventError.preconditionFailed (statusCode: 412)
EventError.preconditionFailed('preconditions for this request where not met')
EventError.payloadTooLarge (statusCode: 413)
EventError.payloadTooLarge('request is too large')
EventError.uriTooLong (statusCode: 414)
EventError.uriTooLong('uri is too long')
EventError.unsupportedMediaType (statusCode: 415)
EventError.unsupportedMediaType('the media type is not supported')
EventError.rangeNotSatisfiable (statusCode: 416)
EventError.rangeNotSatisfiable('requested range does not exist')
EventError.expectationFailed (statusCode: 417)
EventError.expectationFailed('expectations failed')
EventError.teapot (statusCode: 418)
EventError.unprocessableEntity (statusCode: 422)
EventError.unprocessableEntity('could not process your request')
EventError.locked (statusCode: 423)
EventError.locked('the resource was locked')
EventError.failedDependency (statusCode: 424)
EventError.failedDependency('an external resource failed')
EventError.tooEarly (statusCode: 425)
EventError.tooEarly('unwilling to process the request')
EventError.preconditionRequired (statusCode: 428)
EventError.preconditionRequired('you did not supply all information')
EventError.tooManyRequests (statusCode: 429)
EventError.tooManyRequests('you exceeded your limit')
EventError.noResponse (statusCode: 444)
EventError.noResponse('no response')
EventError.unavailableForLegalReasons (statusCode: 451)
EventError.unavailableForLegalReasons('you are not allowed to see this')
EventError.retryable (statusCode: 449)
EventError.retryable('retry this request')
Server Errors
EventError.internal (statusCode: 500)
EventError.internal('internal server error found')
EventError.internalServerError (statusCode: 500)
EventError.internalServerError('our implementation was bad')
EventError.notImplemented (statusCode: 501)
EventError.notImplemented('we did not finish this implementation')
EventError.badGateway (statusCode: 502)
EventError.badGateway('the gateway is bad')
EventError.serviceUnavailable (statusCode: 503)
EventError.gatewayTimeout (statusCode: 504)
EventError.gatewayTimeout('the apigatway timed out')
EventError.loopDetected (statusCode: 508)
EventError.loopDetected('detected a loop')
EventError.from(new Error('foobar'))